Strawberry Lemonade Events

Strawberry Lemonade Events is a corporate event agency running a host of events including the Edinburgh Yoga Festival and Bordering on Wild Sports Film Festival.

We have worked with household names including TED (talks) and Prince Harry, convinced John Bishop to sell pies at the Liverpool Christmas Market, interviewed Jamie Carragher about winning the Champions League, launched a pop up social enterprise cafe with Ricky Tomlinson and somehow convinced the world’s most decorated MotoGP mechanic Alex Briggs, to join us in Edinburgh for a night of racing stories.

Proudly, we are also a social enterprise whereby we train, recruit and mentor people facing social exclusion issues such as homelessness and mental health challenges. We do this by working in partnership with other social impact organisations and by running our “Event Management Fundamentals” course.

SLE operates across Scotland and Liverpool and is always open to working on fun and exciting projects anywhere in the world.

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